Sunday, November 18, 2018

Old Faithful

I can get caught up in getting an image with a clear subject but one that doesn't tell a story. The story that is the real reason I took these shots. The second image requires the viewer to think for a second about what is in the rest of the shot, sometimes it is what is missing from the shot. Enjoy!


Sunday, November 11, 2018

Yellowstone Review

This was my first early November trip to Yellowstone. The usual animals were visible: bison, coyotes, and migrating elk. One of the perks of volunteering is access into the interior when the roads close to visitors in November.  Consequently we were the only ones at Old Faithful during an eruption. The sound amid the surrounding quiet was unforgettable.

Some memories:


Technical: Recorded and edited on an iPhone 8

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Tamarack Gold

This tamarack grove was in full display at Crex Meadows on an early morning last week. The cranes were flying out of the Refuge as they have for decades so I decided to explore other photo opportunities. The sun had just risen and the air was calm, perfect flying conditions.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Autumn Color

Increasingly I am shooting video with my iPhone. It is convenient to both capture and edit on one device without needing to transferring to the computer. the phone has definite limitations with primarily a wide angle focal length. It still requires a tripod and microphone for better capture.  Another tool to record beauty in the natural world.

Technical: It does not have the quality for a full screen view which is a function of the Blogger downsizing the file size.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Badlands Snow

It has been awhile since my last post, it seems the more time I'm out the less time I have to write. I recently went through Badlands NP after a light snowfall. This was the first time in the park with snow and the textures popped. By the time I was through the park most of it had melted, I can't wait to get back.

Instagram is currently my primary sharing outlet, usually with a couple posts each week. I can be found: @dale_bohlke

Technical: 3 image panorama

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Catching the Wave

I spent mornings last weekend along the Lake Superior shore. Sunday was fogged in so I concentrated on wave activity trying to wait until later in the wave to catch action a different phase of wave motion. A relatively slow shutter speed (1/6 second) preserved some motion. Fall color is yet to come but the lake is always there.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Prairie Excitement

The prairie is sky and grass, perhaps colorful flowers if you are there at the right time. How do you make a place visually exciting when you see a peacefulness and respite from the chaos of city life? This drone project is honing my "sense of place" awareness by answering that question in twelve different Scientific and Natural Areas across Minnesota. Four of twelve have been filmed, eight to go.